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Messeauftakt 2023 in Polen


Den Auftakt bildete für Alpha ESS dieses Jahr die ENEX in Polen, die am 8. und 9. März 2023 stattgefunden hat. Die 25. Internationale Messe für Stromwirtschaft und erneuerbare Energiequellen (ENEX) beherbergte 200 Aussteller. Die Jubiläums-Expo hat viel geboten. So fand am ersten Messetag die Konferenz ENERGIA PL statt, die sich mit den neuesten Trends, Projekten und Lösungen im Bereich der Energiespeicherung beschäftigte.

Alpha ESS sorgte mit dem Gewinn des ENEX Diploma für den SMILE-T10-HV für Furore. Dr. Dong Lin, COO von Alpha ESS, nahm zusammen mit anderen hochkarätigen Vertretern an der Preisverleihung teil. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung würdigt herausragende Leistungen in der Energiespeicherbranche und bewertet Produkte anhand deren technischer Entwicklung und Funktion. Der Gewinn dieser Auszeichnung ist ein bedeutender Meilenstein für uns.

Wir freuen uns ebenso sehr darüber, dass unsere Bemühungen von Branchenexperten wie Prof. Artur Bartosik von der Technischen Universität Kielce anerkannt werden, der uns persönlich zum Erhalt der Auszeichnung gratulierte. All das sind Bestätigungen unserer Arbeit an innovativen und nachhaltigen Energiespeicherlösungen, die wir unseren Kunden anbieten.

Vielen Dank für eine tolle Zeit auf der ENEX!

English version

AlphaESS starting it´s exhibition year by taking part in the ENEX in Kielce (Poland)

The demand for AlphaESS products is unbroken, and not only in Germany. As a multinational company that currently operates residential and commercial storage systems in more than 80 countries worldwide, AlphaESS will continue to expand its presence, especially in the European market. Part of this goal is to present the AlphaESS product range at exhibitions throughout Europe.

This year, AlphaESS kicked off at the ENEX in Poland, which took place on 8th and 9th March 2023. The 25th International Power and Renewable Energy Exhibition (ENEX) hosted 200 exhibitors and was expected to have about 12,000 visitors. The anniversary ENEX expo offered a lot. For example, on the first day of the fair, the ENERGIA PL conference was held, focusing on the latest trends, projects and solutions in the field of energy storage.

AlphaESS made a splash by winning the ENEX Diploma for the SMILE-T10-HV. Dr. Dong Lin, COO of AlphaESS, attended the awards ceremony along with other representatives at the top of the field. This prestigious accolade recognizes outstanding achievement in the energy storage industry, measuring products in technical development and functions. Winning this award is a significant milestone for us. We are also thrilled that our efforts have been recognized by industry experts such as Prof. Artur Bartosik of Kielce University of Technology, who personally congratulated us on receiving the award. This approval is a testament to the innovative and sustainable energy storage solutions we strive to provide our customers.

Thank you for a great time at the ENEX! 

Dina Schleicher

Lukas Lambert

Alpha ESS Europe GmbH
Telefon: 06103 459 160 1
Email: Marketing@alpha-ess.de
Web: www.alpha-ess.de6_看图王.jpg








Beware of the Brand
Infringement of AlphaESS

Recently, a severe infringement and fraud issue has caught our attention. A FAKE application with a FAKE logo, a FAKE website https://www.alphaessinvest.com/ and even FAKE videos under the name of AlphaESS are now spreading all over India, attempting to seduce people to invest money in energy storage systems by using a FAKE AlphaESS logo and real AlphaESS products photos.

It's obvious that they are looting money by using a FAKE AlphaESS brand and have seriously violated the intellectual property rights of AlphaESS.

AlphaESS shall spare no efforts and no costs to go against the violation by all means legally before more people get deceived.
